Yesterday was quilt photography day of my 2022 finishes!
But first the eye spy Hexagon quilt is progressing well with the 8th row of hexagons attached and the 8th row of diamonds in progress. At this pace, I am likely to meet my goal of a top completed by the end of this month. Borders and binding fabrics are selected and waiting for progress.

As promised last week, today is my review of the larger finished quilts from 2022.
Some of these quilts were started many years ago and the tops were stored until it was time to finish…it is not a quilt until it is
In no particular order here are my finishes:
Macquarie St (quilted by Wendy of Clever Ducks Quilting), designed specifically for the QuiltNSW Blue and White category for the 2022 show and so delighted with the prize for this quilt.

Sunshine Cabin realised my continuing love of log cabin designs. Started in 2004 and the last blocks and borders were completed early in 2022, I so enjoyed quilting this on my Bernina 770QE.

Merlot (quilted by Susan of Rowdy Flat Quilting) is another of my recent play with scrappy triangles, named from the grapes on the background fabric and that made the border selection very easy.

Reflections (quilted by Susan of Rowdy Flat Quilting) started out as a small ‘travel’ project in 2016. This quilt developed once I had sections on the design wall and was finished differently to what I imagined at the beginning.

Vintage Vibe (quilted by Susan of Rowdy Flat Quilting) is the best way I can think of in keeping a record of some of my clothing sewing scraps over a 40 year period. Some time ago, I went through the collection and cut lots of diamonds to help to reduce the ‘vintage’ fabrics.

Junction (quilted by Susan of Rowdy Flat Quilting) is a traditional railroad crossing design that again has helped to use my loads of triangle scraps. I used bias or half square triangles in one of my first quilts (Ocean Waves) and I continue to find endless possibilities with such a simple shape.

Mountains (quilted by Susan of Rowdy Flat Quilting) is a limited palette quilt that unusually for me uses a plain background. I love that collection of rusty coppery reds and the ombre border.

Meanderings (quilted by Susan of Rowdy Flat Quilting) a simple quilt started a long time ago of 9 stars in 2 fabrics.

Not a very original name but my Car quilt (quilted by Susan of Rowdy Flat Quilting) as its name suggests stays in my car as you always need a quilt nearby. The printed cotton fabric in this one was reclaimed from a dress!

These two are a couple that I finished early last year and gifted.